Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Last Minute Shenanigans

This one's going to be short and to the point, because I have no solutions for this except to drive to Washington and slap a bunch of elected officials and put them in timeout. But I really have to vent.

What have our politicians being doing for the past few months/years depending on when they were elected into office? And what has the President been doing as well?

Didn't anyone see this coming...from a LONG way off? The numbers are all there and the debt ceiling problem just snuck up on us?

Everyone, and I mean EVERYone in Washington needs to get their heads out of their donkey or elephant asses and get to work, the work we elected them to do, of keeping our country safe and RUNNING.

And since when did any politician really care about keeping their campaign promises. Especially when it comes to real problems that could flush the entire country down the toilet, and we wouldn't even be able to pay the water bill after it's done.

GET TO WORK, solve the problems, figure out the budget, cut spending, pay the freakin' bills and EARN YOUR PAYCHECKS...and then maybe no one will notice you vote yourselves a pay raise next year.

All the best,

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