Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Stealing Education

I listen to a lot of talk radio, and one of my favorite stations is in New Jersey (narrow that one down), even though I live in Pennsylvania. So I know a little more about the goings-on in NJ probably more than your average PA citizen.

For instance, I know that the Governor is absolutely hated by the NJEA, the teachers union. And I also know he cut the sate budget for school spending drastically, at a time when it needed to be done in order to balance a horrible deficit. Most states are out of money these days, PA included.

Just these past few days I've heard a commercial from the NJ teachers, sponsored by the union, saying that the student scores are higher than ever, and more students are being placed in AP classes than in years before. And all of this in the face of a bad economy, which really means all of the budget cuts that were made the previous year. They are saying that teachers are problem solvers and that they have figured out how to teach even in these tough economic times. Included in these budget cuts are cuts to programs and staff layoffs. And yet the children are still learning, and learning better than before.

So with all of this information, if it's all true, I have only one question:

Why did they need all of that money in the first place?

All the best,

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