Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I suppose before I start writing anything, that I should introduce myself. More importantly instead of welcome, I should say thank you! Thank you for reading whatever my brain spews out onto the keyboard in the form of words and sentences.

I should also apologize in advance to anyone who disagrees with anything I write about. But that's what opinions are for. Opinions are designed to be argued and disagreed with, so if you disagree with me, tell me, and I'll thank you for it.

I was born into a family which I later learned would lean very Democratic, though I myself turned out to be a Republican, much like Alex P. Keaton. I would call myself more of a conservative, possibly more middle ground than others, but nonetheless, it's who I am.

And I will let you know that my name may or may not be Will Carlton, it's for you to decide, but the internet can be very anonymous, and I welcome that anonimity from you as well if you so choose to use it. For it doesn't really matter what your name is as long as your thoughts come through. So feel free to comment anonymously on what I say, as long as your comments are on topic and concise, they will remain untouched. However spam will be my mortal enemy.

So I decided to write a blog for no other reason than to get these thoughts out of my head that are constantly running around. Hence the title of Venting my Brain. Let them loose and see what happens with them.

I hope you enjoy! That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

All the best,

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